Let the festivities begin...
Somebody likes the snowman cheese ball!
On the menu for the Candle Christmas Eve Dinner:
Pasta e Fagioli soup
Pier 49 pizza
Parmesan zucchini sticks
Panna Cotta
Those cheeks...
Cash is ready for dinner!
How I love this family of mine.
Making a snowman is fun.
Very nice Cash!
Good job Colby!
Uncle Chris and Grey relaxing...
Toss the snowball (marshmallow) in the bucket was kinda fun.
Oh let's just open the presents already...
Photo credits to Uncle Chris for this darling picture of Colby!
We woke up to a white Christmas...
and just like that it's over.
Time to look forward to a new year...
Those cheeks...
Cash is ready for dinner!

How I love this family of mine.
Making a snowman is fun.
Very nice Cash!
Good job Colby!
Uncle Chris and Grey relaxing...
Toss the snowball (marshmallow) in the bucket was kinda fun.
Oh let's just open the presents already...
Christmas Eve is one my favorite nights of the year, it is a
time for family, festivities and food. I enjoyed watching everyone open their gifts. It was wonderful to have our sweet baby Grey with us this year. We are so blessed and everyone was so generous and thoughtful with their gift giving. Cash and Colby liked all their new toys and games.
I took these picture of Colby a few days before Christmas,
we have the cutest grandsons on planet earth!
we have the cutest grandsons on planet earth!
I am grateful for the first gift of Christmas, our Savior Jesus Christ. He came to teach us the right way to live and the way to find lasting happiness, not just at Christmastime but always.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." ~ John 3:16
We woke up to a white Christmas...
and just like that it's over.
Time to look forward to a new year...