Because they have indeed brought us so much joy and are very dear,
Cash and Colby are front and center on our Christmas card this year.
We have been abundantly blessed and love our life
Being a Grandpa and Grandma has definitely lived up to the hype.
Tim still goes to work everyday and is enjoying this stage,
He goes to the gym and tries to fight off old age.
After 32 years at home Eileen went back to
Having her sister-in-law Holley just down the hall is a great perk.
Eileen is a teacher assistant for the best junior high English teacher in
And has even substitute taught when she’s not around.
She’s learned a few cool phrases like, “Dude, just chillax,” “that’s
legit,” and “like a boss” to name a few,
She loves the students and feels grateful to help, it’s true.
Christopher’s hard work has really paid off for him
His business is growing and you can often find him in the gym.
Chris hosted Thanksgiving dinner and is a fandoubletastic cook
We took a hike together and enjoyed taking a look.
Mark has a successful business and provides for his family well
And he loves his sons, that’s not hard to tell.
Tiffani is the best they come and we love her so,
She adores her boys and as a mother, she is a pro.
Tiff is so excited to start building a new home in the Spring,
They have
outgrow their place and can’t wait to spread their wings!
Cash had a birthday in September and is now three,
We all wonder
how that can be.
He loves to
sing, play, build things and run
When he’s around
it’s always so much fun.
Colby is a darling one year old
He loves to eat, read books and is a delight to
cuddle and hold.
May you have a Christmas filled with love and light
We hope the season leaves you with precious memories
that are bright.
With love,
Tim and Eileen