Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday's Thoughts ~ Everything Spring...

Spring is one of my favorite seasons running a close second with Autumn. I love Spring for its freshness and the vibrate colors.


Being brought up on a farm, Spring is always about new life as well, lambing, foals being born and so on. Even though I don't live rural now, I still enjoy looking for that and love to watch all the new life.

We have had a beautiful Spring, complete with a few snow storms. 


The mornings are glorious and we have enjoyed the evening rain showers.
After the quiet and stillness of winter everything in Spring seems to be busy, the birds rushing around, the shoots coming up and the first spring flowers opening their blooms showing off their beauty. The days are getting longer and the daylight lifts my spirits.

I can be outside with Cash and Colby a lot more and I love it!!


The End!