Friday, September 28, 2012


For as far back as I can remember I have always wanted to play the piano... and be a figure skater. That obliviously didn't happen!
We had a bookcase in the family room and when I was about 4 or 5 years old, I would pull my little rocking chair up to lower shelf and pretend I was playing the piano. Money was always a little tight around our house and not because my Dad didn't work hard, he just had a lot of mouths to feed. I didn't think my dream of having a piano and taking lessons would ever come true.

My sweet Grandma Ames knew of my desire and when I was about 10 years old she bought me a beautiful upright piano.

My Dad told me he had to go to town and he needed all my brothers to go with him. I didn't think much of it, he often needed their help with something. I still vividly remember seeing Dad's pickup in the yard with the piano in the back. It was so heavy it took all of them to move it in the house. The next hurdle was finding someone to give me lessons... for free. My Mom told the preacher's wife at our church that she was looking for someone to teach me. It just so happened Mrs. Kaechele was an accomplished pianist, she had a degree from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Canada. She offered to teach me and I was so thrilled. I practiced everyday even when my brothers would beg me to stop! Mrs. Kaechele moved away a few months later so I was on my own but I continued to practice. I'm very average but I have a great appreciation for music and it brings me a lot of joy. I can play the hymns and children's primary songs well enough to get by.

I was so happy when I got a call a few months ago to play the piano for Sunday School at the Developmental Center. (The Utah State Developmental Center is a state operated Intermediate Care Facility for people with Intellectual Disabilities). I love serving with Sue, who is the chorister. It's a unique experience because all the class members are in wheelchairs and most of them can't talk but they make a joyful noise. You can tell they love music, it's great therapy. One woman named Linda can sing all the songs and it brings tears to my eyes when I hear her.

We all love music in our family. Tim can play the trumpet, guitar and piano. And he has a good singing voice. Chris can play the piano and the trumpet. He was in several musicals in high school. Mark can play the guitar and a few songs on the piano. 

Mark plays the guitar and sings with Cash, it's really sweet. Sometimes Cash dances too! Tiffani has a beautiful singing voice and has taught Cash a lot of songs. 

Cash will often go play a song on the piano at Grandma's house! I know Colby will also love music! 

Grandma Ames could play the piano by ear. She would hear a song and then without any music go to the piano and play it beautifully. I hope my Grandma knew how grateful I was that she gave me a piano and for making a little girl's dream come true.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Falling in love...

with grandchild number two

It was never a question that I could love another grandchild as much as I love my first. If you are a grandparent you know that feeling when your first grandchild comes along. In fact, most grandmothers I talk to say something like, "Why didn't anybody tell me it would feel like this?" Someone said she thought the most miraculous moment of her life was when she awoke after laser surgery on her eyes and could see the beautiful trees outside her bedroom window. "How wrong I was!" she said. "Six months later, I became a grandmother and learned what the word miracle really meant."

I got my first look at Colby when Mark brought him to nursery after he was born by cesarean section (thank you Dr. Bean) at American Fork hospital, truly a miracle. I gave Mark a quick hug, as tears of gratitude filled my eyes. Mark took him into the nursery where the nurses did all the necessary tests and gave him his first bath.


Of course I thought he was perfect.
But it wasn't until yesterday that I really fell in love with him. I took dinner to Mark, Tiff and Cash. I held him while Mark ran an errand and Tiffani ate some dinner. He was awake and as I looked into his eyes I felt it, it's hard to convey but I fell, tumbling, irrevocably in love. It's official, he has stolen my heart, that warm bundle and newcomer! 

Room for two?... no doubt about it. The capacity of the human heart never ceases to amaze me.
I look forward to more Cash and Colby time, 

alone time with Cash and 

alone time with Colby. I'm going to need two Grandma Day's every week now!

Loving a Grandchild

Loving a grandchild is
like none other.
It’s not quite the same as
being a mother.
You love your children,
each one is unique,
But the love of a
grandchild, will sweep
you off your feet.
They look up at you,
with their cute little
grins, touching your
heart deep within.
They’re sweet little angels
sent from up above,
and they warm your heart
with unconditional love.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Quote for the Week

"If becoming a grandmother was only a matter of choice, I should advise every one of you straight away to become one. There is no fun for old people like it!" ~Hannah Whithall Smith
 Cash smiling at Grandma

 Colby smiling at Grandma

Friday, September 21, 2012

Just 3 Words

Well, we got to the hospital before the sun came up.

Mark and Tiff's car, check.

Baby car seat in place, check.

Tiffani, check.

Our first look at Colby Mark Williams
Born at 7:04
Weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce
18 perfect inches long

Daddy holding Colby's hand.

Daddy is happy!

 Clean as a whistle!

Our dear friend and pediatrician, Dr Glade.

He gave Colby the once over and two thumbs that he's perfect.

Dr. Glade was also Mark's pediatrician.

All ready to go see Mommy.

I'm so proud of Tiff, she is amazing.

Grandpa needs a little nap before it's our turn to hold Colby!

Best feeling on earth!

Uncle Chris meets Colby.

We all have hearts full of gratitude for the blessings of this day.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

‘Twas The Night Before Baby

If someone could bottle up and sell the excitement and anticipation just before a baby is born well it would sell like hotcakes. I have been so excited for the arrival of our second grandson. I can't adequately describe my feelings. I get teary thinking about it. 


I invited Mark, Tiff and Cash to dinner last night so we could give them one more hug before the big day. We took advantage of the beautiful fall weather by eating outside one more time. I made apple crisp for dessert with my favorite "Honeycrisp" apples. You cook the apple mixture and topping right in the mason jars. Delicious!

Cash found a toy I had stashed in the laundry room!

 So funny!!

 Soon to be big big brother, what a handsome boy!


Grandpa and Cash pretending to have a drink with Grandma's teacups. It's one of their favorite things to do!

I tried to get a picture of this little family but Cash just wanted Mommy. I think he sensed something was up. I love Mark's million dollar smile!

Tiffani is a wonderful mother.

 A good luck kiss for Mommy!

There is no greater gift than a new, healthy baby. Keep an eye out tomorrow when I share pictures of our new grandson!