with grandchild number two
It was never a question that I could love another grandchild as much as I love my first. If you are a grandparent you know that feeling when your first grandchild comes along. In fact, most grandmothers I talk to say something like, "Why didn't anybody tell me it would feel like this?" Someone said she thought the most miraculous moment of her life was when she awoke after laser surgery on her eyes and could see the beautiful trees outside her bedroom window. "How wrong I was!" she said. "Six months later, I became a grandmother and learned what the word miracle really meant."

Of course I thought he was perfect.
But it wasn't until yesterday that I really fell in love with him. I took dinner to Mark, Tiff and Cash. I held him while Mark ran an errand and Tiffani ate some dinner. He was awake and as I looked into his eyes I felt it, it's hard to convey but I fell, tumbling, irrevocably in love. It's official, he has stolen my heart, that warm bundle and newcomer!
Room for two?... no doubt about it. The capacity of the human heart never ceases to amaze me.
I look forward to more Cash and Colby time,
alone time with Cash and
alone time with Colby. I'm going to need two Grandma Day's every week now!
Loving a Grandchild
Loving a grandchild is
like none other.
It’s not quite the same as
being a mother.You love your children,
each one is unique,
But the love of a
grandchild, will sweep
you off your feet.They look up at you,
with their cute little
grins, touching your
heart deep within.They’re sweet little angels
sent from up above,
and they warm your heart
with unconditional love.