Friday, November 4, 2011

November Thoughts...

So we are in November now! Is that exciting or what? I'm enjoying our so called "Indian Summer" and every chance I have to play outside with Cash! It's might snow tomorrow!

I love November and I really love Thanksgiving. How wonderful to have a day set aside to really be thankful. I have never liked that Thanksgiving is passed over. The stores have Christmas displays up earlier and earlier every year.

Life is never perfect but I feel so blessed. I'm thankful I don't need many "things" in life to feel this way. I love my family, my home and I am thankful for good friends.

Have a great November, I hope that you are meeting the new month with excitement for Thanksgiving... and Christmas ahead but also happiness to live in the moment. Oh, by the way I saw my neighbor planting tulips! Ugh!