Aunt Bernice was born May 30, 1933. Grandma finally got a girl and she was so happy. Mrs. Garton delivered Aunt Bernice and she always told her she was her girl in a sense, a joy she was deprived of. Aunt Bernice was named for Uncle Frank's (Grandma's brother) wife, Beryl Bernice. She didn't care much for her name as most people could not pronounce it correctly.
The boys were not exactly thrilled with the idea of a baby sister. But Dad did not like to see her mistreated. Aunt Bernice said, "He worshiped the ground my buggy rocked on!" He spent many hours rocking her and comforting when she had a miserable time with allergies and eczema.
Her 9th grade picture. I think she said she used pin curls to get this look.
Beautiful bride. I love Grandma's shoes!
Bernice with Uncle Frank
What a pose!
Bernice, Bub and dog Minnie Pearl.
Aunt Bernice always looks like a million bucks!
Aunt Bernice worked at the Wyoming Highway Department for many years in the safety department. I applied for a job there after high school. She told me if I wore a dress I would get the job. Well I did and enjoyed working there for several years.
Grandma, me and Aunt Bernice
Don't you love my Farrah Fawcett hair and the tan lines?!
Aunt Bernice with Jesse
Aunt Bernice with Elizabeth
She is especiallyat ease with children. She has been a nanny for many years and is loved by the children and parents for her tender care.
I have a special fondness toward Aunt Bernice. We have had many long talks that I will always treasure. She has several qualities that I admire, foremost would be her sense of humor. I laugh and laugh when we talk. She has a amazing memory and I love to here her tell stories. She loves beautiful things and people. She is so talented and can do anything.