Today was the day - it is official. Christopher Glenn Williams has a bachelor's degree in Business Management.
Thanks to Uncle Lee and Grandma Johnnie Belle for coming to Christopher's graduation!
Chris loves his Grandmother and I know she loves Chris! I am sure not many of the graduates had their 88 year old grandmother attend. She was cheering and clapping as he received his diploma.
We are soooooooo proud of Chris.
Do you see Chris? There he is!
Yep, that is President Uchtdorf and his wife. President Eyring and his wife were close by.
... And the commencement speaker was none other than President Thomas S. Monson! He gave a wonderful message as always.It was the first time we got to clapped and give him a standing ovation!
"Glance backward ~ Reach outward ~ Press forward"
Diploma in hand and ready to see what the future will bring. Chris' class is the first graduating from Utah Valley University.Elder Holland's son, Matthew is the new president of UVU.
The celebration continues at ... where else but P.F. Chang's!
Grandma Johnnie Belle loves to give books. A big thanks to all our friends and family who sent cards and gifts to honor Christopher.