Tim's new office is in the Highland Executive Suites located at the intersection of the Alpine Highway and the road leading to the mouth of the American Fork Canyon. They just completed construction and it's a beautiful building. His address is 5255 W. 11000 N. Suite 150, Highland Utah 84003. Phone 801-770-6848.
It's just minutes away from our home! He can ride his scooter when the weather is nice and comes home for lunch.
New, very nice looking office furniture.
He has a great view of Mt. Timpanogos, and his windows overlook hole #2 at the Alpine Country Club. He's says he sees a lot of people miss a 3 foot putt. I tell him to get to work and quit looking out the window, but I admit it's a beautiful view.
Tim has been reading and studying night and day to prepare for the official opening of his Estate Planning practice. I am so proud of him. He has worked so hard to take care of us. He is so smart, is a wonderful teacher, enjoys learning new things and loves a challenge. He chose Estate Planning because he sees it as something that people really need to have done in their lives, to protect and take care of their loved ones when they are gone.
He still needs to spruce things up with some plants and art work. He's put me on that job so I'm excited to find things that will make his office pleasant and inviting for his clients.