Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Christopher and Tim - expert turkey carvers. Ready to go to Mike and Pam's for our family dinner.

Greatest blessing - our family!!

Our man Dustin preparing a deep fried turkey, it was clearly the BEST tasting turkey!! Way to go!!

Pam works her magic - The table looks beautiful and we are ready to enjoy a wonderful meal together.

Lee made a fun drink that entertained the children.

The newest star of the Jackson family - Poppy!!
Brooke looking fabulous!

Uncle Lee with Brooke and Poppy.

Happy Bella with her beautiful Mom, Vanessa.

Grandma practice with Bella!

A very content Mark and Tiffani. Notice Mike sacked out in the corner. Thanks to Pam for all the preparation and a wonderful day with family!!