"We never touch someone so lightly that we do not leave a trace"
"I was on a train on a rainy day. The train was slowing down to pull into a station. For some reason, I became intent on watching the raindrops on the window. Two separate drops, pushed by the wind, merged into one for a moment and then divided again - each carrying with it a part of the other. Simply by that momentary touching, neither was what it had been before. And as each one went on to touch other raindrops, it shared not only itself, but what it had gleaned from the other. I saw this metaphor many years ago and it is one of my most vivid memories. I realized then that we NEVER touch people so lightly that we do not leave a trace." - Peggy Millin
It is not always the big bold headline making acts that can and do change the world but the little thoughtless actions that leave tiny marks on each of us as we go through the day in this crazy, stressful and sometimes overwhelming world. So if I stop myself just once a day from making one of those careless thoughtless "it doesn't really matter" acts, what would the impact be? If I choose to not be rude and be more civil - what would the impact be? Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said: "Kindness is the essence of greatness..."
I took the rude person quiz and so can you! It is something to think about.
Are You a Rude Person Quiz
- Are you chronically late?
- Have you ever typed an e-mail while talking on the phone?
- Have you ever interrupted a face-to-face conversation to take a non-urgent phone call?
- Have you gone through a supermarket 10-item express lane with more than 10 items?
- While among friends or co-workers, have you yawned without covering your mouth?
- Have you ever texted or talked on a cell phone in a movie theater (or at church)?
- Have you ever let your dog relieve himself on your neighbor's lawn?
- Have you ever cut in front of someone in line?
- Have you ever stolen some one's parking spot?
- Have you ever let your child kick the back of the seat in front of him and not apologized to his victim?
- Have you ever not RSVP'd to an event by the date requested?
- Have you ever gossiped?