In 1997, my sister Roseanne, my niece Holley and I participated in a reenactment of the Mormon Trail wagon train and handcart company. It was to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Mormon Pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley from Nauvoo, Illinois in 1847. We were ask to register to participate and many people walked from Nauvoo to Salt Lake. We joined the wagon train for one day and what a day it was. We walked 30 miles across the plains of Wyoming. It was Dad's birthday and with "faith in every footstep" we honored him. The blouse and apron I wore were made from one of his shirts. It was a memorable experience for all of us.
We were also there to welcome the participants into the Salt Lake Valley. Some had been walking for 3 months and over 1,000 miles. It was a triumphal entry and a thrilling experience.
An estimated 51,000 people gathered at This is the Place Monument to welcome the wagon train. "It good to look to the past to gain appreciation for the present and perspective for the future." - President Hinckley

Thanks to my sister Roseanne for introducing me to the gospel and for your example of faith and devotion to your family and those around you. I hope you have a great year! Happy Birthday!