For the first time in the thirteen years I've been at Lincoln Academy, aides were invited to a team building activity. Top Golf is a lot of fun. The views are amazing and the food was delicious. It was relaxing and I enjoyed visiting with my friends.
By the way, I hit the ball every time!
Jeanne, Jeanette, and me! They have become dear friends.
Ascher, a student at Lincoln has been asking me to come watch him play in a basketball game. Ascher calls me Mrs. Skippity. He tells me it's a good thing, meaning you are an awesome and happy person! He also says that if you have had a good day, you might say, "I've had a skippity day!"
So after Top Golf I went back to school and watched the first half. Our Lincoln boys were crushing their opponents. It was fun to watch and I was proud of the team.