I will be grateful all my days that I could fly to Michigan to see my brother Marion and his daughters. I had a strong prompting for months that I needed to visit him. I told his daughter Heidi months ago that I would try to come over Fall Break.
It was such a happy reunion. I've haven't seen Marion since my brother Kenny's funeral back in 2017... seven years. Sometimes I think that Michigan might as well be the moon. But for a few wonderful days I was with my brother.
Sadly Marion is divorced, and his daughters Kim and Heidi ended up in Michigan when their mom remarried a man that was originally from there. Kim and Heidi have been asking Marion to move there for several years. He finally did about three years ago. I'm so thankful he's near his daughters.
I stayed with Heidi and Malia. Heidi adopted Malia about three years ago. It's hasn't been easy but Heidi has a huge heart, and she loves her daughter so much.
It was very beautiful around Lansing, all the trees were all aglow with Fall colors.
Marion, Heidi and I had a delicious lunch at a Mexican restaurant. We also went to a market called Horrocks. It was like Trader Joe's on steroids. I've never seen anything like it.
I made beef and noodles for Marion and Heidi. I have to say they were some of my best, almost as good as Grandma Federer's. I made a large batch so there would be leftovers. Marion said if he was careful he can have some for about three days!
I was also lucky enough to be there for my great-nephew Dakotah's wedding. My niece Kim and her husband Rex live on a farm. They have been growing corn, soybeans, wheat, and I'm not sure what else for years. Dakotah's fiancé wanted the wedding to take place in the corn field. It was everything they wanted it to be. It's windy in Michigan, maybe because they are near the Great Lakes. But the weather was lovely, around 70 degrees each day. That's just how I like it!
Here comes the bride!
Congratulations to Nicole and Dakotah!
Marion, Kim, Heidi, and Me. I love them so much.
Marion loves his girls very much and they love him.
It was wonderful to spend the day with my Michigan family and on a farm no less!
I got to ride around in Marion's new car. He has a nice home and it's just perfect for him. I always enjoy being with Marion. We laugh and reminisce. He is wise and kind.
Marion enjoys doing leather work and he's so good at it. He made some bags that look like something you would see at a high-end store. He gave me two bags and I love them.

The bags are a treasure to me!

Marion made a bag for Heidi, of course.
Heidi and I had breakfast at the Wooden Shoe in Holland, Michigan. In 1847, Dutch Calvinist separatists led by Dr. Albertus van Raalte settled Holland to escape religious persecution in the Netherlands.
Heidi also took me to see Lake Michigan. It was very windy and really fun to watch the kite surfers. We also saw a lightouse called Big Red.
Kim has been having a Pumpkin Party for 20 years so we went back to the farm the next day for that. We had a good time. Heidi and I made an attempt to carve a toadstool. Marion was worn out, and his feet hurt, so he stayed home.
Heidi was looking on her phone for a
picture of something we could carve.

Marion took me the airport but not before a stop at Cracker Barrel and Tandy Leather.
Biscuits and gravy!
This is actually the third time I've been to Michigan. I went to Heidi's high school graduation and to Kim's wedding. I took care of Kim and Heidi a lot when I was in high school because Marion and Teresa both worked. They were my girls. I don't know when I'll be back but this trip meant so much to me. Thanks to my family who made it possible.
I pray for my brothers Marion, Ernie, and Lloyd, they all have health concerns. This was the year I got to see all three of them. I could not be more grateful.