Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Joseph and Emma...

It was a windy but beautiful day in Idaho a few weeks ago. What a tremendous blessing for me to be at the Twin Falls Temple for my great-nephew Joseph sealing to his sweetheart Emmalee. It was also wonderful to be with other family members that I don't see as often as I would like.

The sealing room was full of family and friends and it felt like a little part of Heaven! As my niece Heather said, "It never gets old."

My niece Holley with her husband Enoch, Joseph and Emma, Enoch parents Becky and Wayne

My nieces Holley and Heather, I feel blessed to be their aunt. I miss them and was so grateful to have a few hours together, and get some much needed hugs. I love them so much. 

My great niece Lyndsey, niece Holley, 
niece Heather and great niece Lucy.

Darling Lucy, she really loves he big brother Joseph!

I'm so happy for Joseph and Emma and wish them joy and endless love.