When Grahm wants to be finished with an activity, he will say, "That's it for me." He usually means he has had a good time and is ready to do something else. We definetly had a good time. Grahm always says thank you and is a delight.
Grahm and Grizzly also got to sleepover. The good times roll on!
Grahm was making a pillow fort and said, "Let me check my inventory."
Grahm went on to explain what it means to do the right thing for the wrong reason. He explained it very well, then he said, "This is a good conversation."
Grizz and his little green friend.
Silly string and the gnome is going down!
I was putting some things in the car and Grizz jumped in, he was not about to get out. He had fun at Grandma's but was ready to head on home. I love this little brown dog and our Grahmy Bear so much.
That's it for me!
Hurry back!