Thursday, May 23, 2024

Kindy graduation...


Today was the day! Our sweet Grahm graduated from Kindergarten. It was so fun to see him walk out on the stage. He told me many times that he likes school and loves his teacher. 

All three classes sang a few songs. It was a wonderful program and brought tears to my eyes. Grahm is so loved and is the joy of our lives.

Of course a big hug for Mom!

Grahm showed us his classroom.

Grahm went with me after graduation and he chose a few gifts. He wanted a dinosaur and some dino slippers he spied out. He's so cute! We also had his favorite sushi for lunch. 

I loved being with Grahm to today and celebrating his graduation. He's officially a 1st grader now. I'm still am a little sad he's growing up so fast but what a wonderful six years it has been.

Grahm and I picked Colby and Grey up from their last day of school. Colby was so happy he got the teacher he was hoping for. They also got certificates, Colby for best use of a comb and hair products, and Grey for being kind, caring, and helpful. I hope they all have a great summer!