1 Nephi 20:18
I value this imagery of peace being compared to a river, continually running. The water surges over rocks, logs, falls, or any other kind of debris. The river simply finds a way to go around or over obstacles. It just keeps flowing. So when I think of peace like a river, I think of peace as something that can be continually flowing in our lives despite our circumstances or the obstacles that may get in our path.
My testimony of Jesus Christ’s gospel helps me feel that I can be in the midst of turmoil and still feel peace in my heart. It brings such peace and gratitude to me to know that whatever life brings can be overcome through the enabling power and strength of Jesus Christ. By saying that, I don’t want to suggest that whatever happens to us will be easy, pain free, or without sorrow, but it does help me tremendously to know there is always hope and help through the Savior and that all things can eventually be healed.