March 28, 2024
Good morning Mrs. Williams,
This is Todd Jepperson (assistant principle) from Mountain Ridge Junior High calling you. I don’t know if you have had a chance to talk to Cash about it yet, but I wanted to call and let you know he was actually selected as one of our Husky's of the Week, this week. I’ll let you know that Mrs. Nevarez, his science teacher is the one that submitted him, or nominated him. She says, "While we were doing a performance assessment, Cash really showed he could be a positive leader, he encouraged his group to get started, motivated team members to work with him, and gave direction and helped classmates when needed. I was very impressed with ability to pull everyone together, and his team was successful, and had a great experience." We brought him down, gave him a certificate and a couple of treats, and told him how grateful we were to have him here and how awesome he was. We have a case where we put a picture of him on and a post on social media. We just wanted to let you know that we selected him and what that process was, and give you something to embarrass him about when he gets home. Thank you very much, you sent us a great kid, and we love working with him. Appreciate it, good bye.

So proud of Cash!