We had Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm come play so Mark could take Tiffani to dinner to celebrate her 38th birthday. It was a beautiful day so we played outside and flew the airplanes. Colby made brownies for Tiffani. We decided if Mark and Tiffani didn't return by 7:30, we would make a video of us singing Happy Birthday to her, and eat the brownies. Colby had lit the candle, and I started filming, then we saw them pull in the driveway. It was perfect timing and Tiffani was surprised we had the candle lit, and were ready to sing to her! We are so grateful for Tiffani's light, faith, and devotion to her family. We hope 38 is great!

I promised Grahm he could sleepover during Spring Break and Grey stayed too. We played outside until dark and then they chose to watch Little Mermaid to finish the day. I haven't watched Little Mermaid for a long time and it really is so timeless. At one point when Ariel was on the screen, Grahm said, "she's really beautiful." Then he said, "That's kinda what Liv looks like." Liv is the girl he likes at school.
Grey and Grahm usually watch a show while I make breakfast.

It still amazing me after all these years that bubbles and water balloons are still a favorite. Grey and Grahm made up lots of games using bubbles and water balloons. It was so fun to watch them play together. They get along so well.
Grahm was trying to fly a helicopter and it wasn't working. Grey patiently helped him fix it. Grahm told Grey thanks and then he said, "Colby is so nice to me too."