Dear Grey,
I really love you! I think you know that! For the last nine years I have watched you grow out of your diapers, learn to walk, to talk, and to play. I have watched you lose teeth, and now get ready for braces, (I don't like those spacers but it's important to take care of your teeth,) play sports—so many great times together! And don’t forget Grandma Days and Grandma Summer Camps!! I am so very grateful to be your grandma.
You have been taught so well at home, at church, and the missionaries have also taught you. Saturday, February 10 was a wonderful day and I was so grateful to be at your baptism. Your Dad baptized you and Grandpa confirmed a member of the church, and blessed you with the gift of the Holy Ghost. You also did great job playing the piano. You can tell your children that you played a special musical number at your baptism! What a happy and memorable day.
The missionaries that help prepare you for baptism all shared their testimonies. The room was filled with friends and family that love you and care about you.
I was honored to play the piano. Grahm wanted to sit on the piano bench with me. He sang along to "I Feel My Savior's Love" and that was a very sweet experience. He knew the words to both verses we sang!
Your lovely mother gave a wonderful talk and shared her unwavering testimony. She loves you so much. Nana and Cash gave beautiful prayers. It was also such a blessing to have your Great-Grandma Darling at your baptism.
I hope you never forget your baptism. Don’t forget how great it is to be clean!
Don’t worry about what you don’t know, because we always continue to learn and grow and figure things out all our lives.
The next few pictures are courtesy of Grahm:
We had a yummy brunch after your baptism. I made cinnamon rolls and orange rolls.
Your Mom gave you a bowl full of candy with
fun reminders to help you make good choices.
And Grahm lost his first tooth! He said the tooth fairy didn't give him anything.
You and Grahm got to come over for a sleep over and your Dad, Cash, and Colby went snowboarding. What was a fun way to end the day.

Grey, you need never feel alone because you have a loving Father in Heaven and a Savior who love you and will be with you. I have a testimony of the true restored Church of Jesus Christ, and I am grateful to have the knowledge that families can be together forever.
I really do love you with all my heart.