I had a longer Winter break than usual so we had a few extra sleepovers. It's one of my favorite things to do with the boys. I saw a sweet story on the news, where several college age grandchildren surprised their grandparents by showing up at their home for a sleepover. Some even flew in from out of town. I hope Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm will still want to hang out with us when we are older.
We played a fun game that Chris sent and watched a movie. Then we had a nice breakfast in the morning.

I got a game for the boys that actually shocks you while playing. I was going to give it to them for Christmas but I had second thoughts. I showed it to Cash and Grey and they thought it was fun. The shock really doesn't hurt, it just startles you. We all had a good laugh. Mark gave it try too, who thinks up these silly games?!