Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Some of the best of 2024...













Monday, December 30, 2024

Summum bonum - Play it well...

I was reminded of a conference talk where President Hinckley stood to give his message, and I don't ever remember this happening before, but he said "I think I will leave the text that I prepared and just talk with you a little bit..."

He quoted this scripture and said these words are the summum bonum of it all. The phrase summum bonum is a Latin expression meaning "the highest good." The most important. Above everything else.

"And after that he came men also were saved by faith in his name; and by faith, they become the sons of God. And as surely as Christ liveth he spake these words unto our fathers, saying: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you." (Moroni 7:26).

"I believe those words. We are proud to be one with you in moving forward this mighty work. We are all in this together. Every man and woman has a part to play. God give us the strength and the will to play it well."

I felt endeared to President Hinckley. I had the privilege of meeting him and shaking his hand. I quietly thanked him for his service. I listened carefully to each conference talk he gave. For some reason, President Hinckley felt Moroni 7:26 was summon bonum or highest good of it all. I think about this each time I read that scripture.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Sunday Services...

Last Sunday I had a feeling I wanted to go to Sunday services with Mark, Tiffani and the Grands. I'm so glad we did! I loved sitting with our family at church. There are so many talented people in their ward and the program was beautiful. We also got to hear Colby, Grey, and Grahm sing. I felt the Spirit several times. The closing song was "Joy to the World". The song was accompanied on the organ and piano, it was stirring. I was fighting back the tears so it was difficult to sing along.

After the closing prayer Grahm gave Colby a big hug.

Colby hurried to ride bikes home with his friends so I missed getting him in the picture. I love my family.

After church Chris and I walked up Provo Canyon. It was a beautiful day and we had the trail all to ourselves. I felt the Spirit in the mountains also, outdoor church services! We came home and Christopher made a delicious dinner. Adrian joined us and played a little pre-dinner music. We also played a fun game, it was a good Sunday.

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Grandpa and Grandson...

Grandpa Glenn and Christopher Glenn!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

All together...

I'm grateful that Christopher was in town this year and we were all together for Christmas. We had a wonderful morning exchanging presents and having a delicious breakfast.

Grizzly likes Chris!

Grizzly seemed to know the present was for him!

All the excitement made Grizzly tired. He's still the sweetest little brown dog.

Cash made me the most delicious bagel sandwich. 
I enjoyed every bite!

They really do love each other! Colby is about to take the last bite of a cinnamon roll that I made.

Santa brought Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm a Nintendo Switch. It's safe to say they like it! The upstairs loft is a nice little set up for them.

The past few days that we were all together filled my heart with so much joy. I love exchanging presents and seeing a lot of grateful smiles. Thanks for all the thoughtful gifts, I love you all!

Speaking of thoughtful gifts, this Joe Rogan kettle ball is going to give me nightmares! And it's so heavy you can barely lift it! I'm sure Christopher has never received such a unique Christmas present, thanks David! 

We missed having a white Christmas by one day!
Until next year...