One of the great lessons of the gospel is that we get so many fresh starts—that we can start again and again. ~Elder Patrick Kearon
Elder Patrick Kearon has joined the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder Kearon, 62, was called as an apostle Thursday by President Russell M. Nelson and ordained later in the day by President Nelson and the rest of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve.
His call adds another international voice to the quorum. He becomes the third member of the current Twelve born and raised outside the United States and the second European serving in the quorum, joining Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of Germany and Ulisses Soares of Brazil.
“This sacred call is so very daunting and humbling to me,” Elder Kearon said. “I will need to place all my trust in the Savior as I seek to become what he needs me to be and share my witness of his love and light. The abundance and grace of Jesus Christ have brought immense joy into my life, as well as healing balm in times of trial. I love him. I will strive to serve him to the best of my ability.”
Elder Kearon, a convert baptized on Christmas Eve 1987, has served as the senior president of the Presidency of the Seventy since August 2020. He fills the vacancy created by the death of President M. Russell Ballard on Nov. 12.