Grahm was excited to have three sleeps at Grandma's while Mom, Dad, Cash, and Nana went to New York.
We really enjoyed having Colby Grey, and Grahm for more than a few hours. We had fun doing something different each day. I would give the boys some options then we took a vote. I love every minute with them. They are loving, kind, helpful, clever, funny, and so well behaved. I am ever grateful to be their grandma!
Monday we made Mauri Poi balls. The music teacher at my school made them for the elementary students. She taught them rhythms and had fun music playing while the students swung the Poi balls.
In Hawaii, they eat the “POI”. In New Zealand, they swing it! “POI” is the Maori word for “ball” on a cord. Many years ago the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand used it to increase their flexibility and strength in their hands and arms as well as improving coordination. Today, the women dancers perform the Maori poi, a dance performed with balls attached to flax strings, swung rhythmically. Men used it for strength and coordination. Yes, the poi was also used as a weapon during a battle.I thought the boys would have fun with the poi balls and they did. Colby got busy making his. He also has a lot a rhythm so he mastered the swinging in no time!
A little bit of a learning curve!
Grahm's expression!
I was asked to play the organ last week for sacrament meeting. I'm not an organist so I practiced and prayed! Tim said I did good and I was grateful for the opportunity.
Then there were several hours of fun at Nickle City. The last time I was there was when Chris and Mark were probably Colby's age!
We had a lovely lunch at Olive Garden so I could use a gift card I've had since December. The bread sticks were a big hit!
My helpers!
Colby practicing for his piano lesson.
Colby reading a bedtime story to Grahm.

Grahmy rolled off the bed of few times. He didn't get hurt and didn't even wake up!
We usually only go bowling for New Years but we all agreed it would be fun and it was!
Grandma did not do very well the first few frames and Colby was the winner this time!
Darling boys, I sure love them!

Until next time my sweet grandsons!