Colby is so thoughtful and he loves his mom. He wanted to make Tiff a birthday cake again this year. It's always a sweet experience to help facilitate this. I think it's wonderful Colby likes to cook. I love hanging out with him!
The boys also made homemade cards and wrote sweet messages. Colby has a fun sense of humor and he knew this card would make Tiffani smile! The age old debate on which way the toilet paper should go... over or under played out on the card. Most women like over and in my experience men choose under. When I saw Colby's toilet paper was under it made me smile!
Grey chose this cute dog design and worked really hard making it.
Grahm painted a pretty flower in a vase for Tiff.
We had a yummy dinner and we are always happy to have Adrian join us. He is really a part of our family, and a good friend to Chris and Mark.
Grahm liked eating with Gramps at his own little table.
More fun and games!
Lee gave the boys this game. Grahm played with it for most of the night. He has endless energy.
Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm really love their momma. It was heart warming to watch their expressions as she looked at the cards they made for her. I know she felt loved.

Grahm has been writing I "heart" you a lot lately and it so sweet.
She thought Colbs card was funny!
Grey was so excited to show Tiff the card he made. He had a big smile on his face!

Cash made a card also but I didn't get a picture.
Grey fits nicely in the basket we got Tiff!
We love our sweet Tiffani. She is an excellent wife and mother. She really does add a special sparkle to our lives. I hope the coming year is filled with more love and many joyful moments.
Happy Birthday!