But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Neal A. Maxwell
"We are living on a small planet that is part of a very modest solar system, which, in turn, is located at the outer edge of the awesome Milky Way galaxy. If we were sufficiently distant from the Milky Way, it would be but another bright dot among countless other bright dots in space, all of which could cause us to conclude comparatively, 'that man is nothing.' (Moses 1:10.) Yet we are rescued by reassuring realities such as that God knows and loves each of us, personally and perfectly.
Hence, there is incredible intimacy in the vastness of it all. Are not the very hairs of one's head numbered?
Is not the fall of each sparrow noticed? (Matthew 10:29-30.)
Has Jesus not borne, and therefore knows, our individual sins, sicknesses, and infirmities? (Alma 7:11-12.)"
(We Will Prove Them Herewith, pp. 1-2.)