Wednesday, February 22, 2023

More fun with the Grands...

Colby made these cool claws for Grahm.
He's a a wonderful big brother.

I saw this horse picture made from wood and I knew Colby would like it. He wanted to paint it right away! He loves horses and as I've said before, I sure wish I could get him one. Colby said he painted the picture the colors he would want his horse to be. He was also making some cool colorful bands. 

It was so fun to play this game with Cash. The first time we played Suspend was on a birthday date at the Museum of Natural Curiosity. That will always be a very happy memory. We managed to get all but one of the rods on the tower!

Throwback to our birthday date...
September 2015 

Grahm still likes Playdoh!

We are always so grateful to spend time with 
Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm!