It's the moments in life that make us light up and smile. Those unspoken moments of joy where your heart melts and you wish you could freeze that feeling in time. A moment that you aspire to go back in your lifetime! A moment that you'll cherish to take with you to your grave!
Just a few simple, but for me, are golden moments.
It's been wonderful to have Christopher home for a few months. He moved out of his very expensive Airbnb to a cottage in American Fork. His childhood friend, Duke remodeled his great aunt's house. It's small but cozy, and Chris will be comfortable there until he decides to back to Asia. We cleaned out his also expensive storage unit and helped Chris get settled. It's a lot of work but Chris makes it fun and rewards us with a homecooked meal or takes us out to a fancy restaurant!
Shrimp taquitos!!!!!
Life changing butter cake, I'm not joking!
Tim captured this beautiful sunset on his way home from Christopher's cottage.
I was telling Colby, Grey, and Grahm about Chris's new place and decided to just drive by and show them. I didn't think Chris would be home but when got there he was standing in the doorway, and had arrived just a few minutes before we did. It was fun to show them around. Colby really liked the cottage and said it was perfect for one person!
Colby and Grey painted these gnomes, they are so cute!

I don't want to ever forget Grey's amazing eyelashes and his golden hair.

The last few times Colby, Grey, and Grahm have come for Grandma Day, they have played with some oldie but goodie toys. I played Whac-a-mole with Grahm about 20 times! Colby and Grey looked at their marble collections and did some trading. Of course we had a foosball tournament. Grahm is holding his own against the big boys!
I love these pictures of Grahm in Grandpa's shop, more golden moments.