Happy tears!
I was happily on Grandma duty along with Nana and I was very grateful for extra time with Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm!
The boys can be a little rambunctious sometimes but they are also so very sweet. They are always polite, helpful, loving, fun, and being with them fills my heart with so much joy.
Christopher got some swords at Scheels for Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm for Christmas. He is always so generous and thoughtful. I asked him of I could give them to the boys early so they could play with them over the weekend. The swords were a big hit. You can see in many of the pictures the boys are playing with them. I think Colby might have slept with his if I would have let him!
We cooked together and made Æbleskivers and baked donuts for our morning breakfasts. Colby really enjoyed making the Æbleskivers and Grey enjoyed making the donuts. I would turn and there was Cash starting to clean up and load the dishwasher. He also helped me fold the laundry.

After breakfast we made some pretty sweet gingerbread houses!

Sunday morning breakfast with the help of Grey and Colby.

Of course we had the all important Saturday movie night. I let the boys choose a treat. Grahm got a sucker with a plastic dinosaur that opened and closed over the sucker. He ate the sucker and wanted to keep the dinosaur. He left it on the couch, Jack got a hold of it, and chewed it to pieces. Graham was sad and said. "I don't want a dog!" I told him to tell his Mom and Dad and then he said, "I have told them a hundred times." I explained to him that Jack thinks everything is toy so we have to keep things where he can't reach them. We will keep trying! Not long after that Grahm was hugging and playing with Jack! All was forgiven.

Cash wanted to go to church so he could pass the sacrament. Grahm saw Cash getting ready for church and wanted to go so Cash could pass him the sacrament. So sweet! He ran upstairs and showed me where his church clothes are. Grandpa enjoyed taking them to church.
We took Jack to the park while Grandpa, Cash, and Grahm were at church. I always enjoy watching the boys play with him. Jack loves to fetch the ball and looks so beautiful when he runs. We wore Jack out!
Gosh, I love them!
Chris asked if we wanted to go for walk at Highland Glen Park Sunday afternoon, aka Adventure Land. We have so many wonderful memories of playing there when we lived in Hidden Oaks and we took Cash and Colby there a lot when there were younger. It was our park for a long time. We had fun feeding the ducks and Colby wacked every tree and bush with his sword on the way to the park!

Thanks for a wonderful adventure Chris!
I'm so grateful for the extra time I had with my grandsons last weekend!