Colby guessed the exact number of candy corns in the jar, 900! Grey guessed 901.
Marvelous mummies!
Cash and Grey won the best mummy wrap.
I love the leaf owls and leaf triceratops that Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm made!
Grahm helped make breadsticks
to go with our Halloween chili.
Cash made mummy dogs and they were so good!

We watched Sleeping Beauty, I don't think the boys had seen it. They liked the movie and fell fast asleep after it was over.
The next morning Grandpa made Swedish pancakes. It was something his Nana made and he made them often when Chris and Mark were younger. Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm thought they were delicious!
One more game with Gramps before it's time to go home.
Cute mummy bags to go!
After Cash, Colby, Colby, and Grey arrived we were sitting around the table about to play Halloween bingo. I felt inspired to tell them how much we loved them. I don't remember everything I said but it was a few very sweet moments. I do remember telling them that the day each one of them were born was another dream come true for us and among the very happiest days of our lives. I told them they can count on us for advice and they can call or visit us if they need someone to talk to. I also told them that we pray for them and want them to have happy lives. I looked over at Cash and he had tears in his eyes. I will lock the memories of our time together in my heart forever.