Remembering birthday dates with our Grey Max...
A Golden Day...

2nd Birthday Date
Saturday, October 20, 2018

I never pressure the boys to do anything that makes them uncomfortable. Last time we were at the aquarium, Grey did not want to hold a butterfly or touch the electric eel buttons that gives a little shock. This time he was so brave and tried both things without any prompting from me.
I asked him where he wanted to have dinner and he said, "How bout you cook some noodles while I watch a show." Great idea Grey!
"Children need at least one person in their life who thinks the sun rises and sets on them, who delights in their existence and loves them unconditionally."
I want all my grandchildren to know that I do delight in their existence and for sure I love them unconditionally... with all my heart. Of course Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm have so many people in their lives who adore them.

Grey also wanted to go to Teton Toys to choose a birthday present. We went home and played, and then made some pizza. It was especially good this time, Grandpa really liked it!

We watched "The Secret Lives of Pets" and it was a cute movie. Grey slept really good. He woke up and wanted to play with his toys again.

4th Birthday Date
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

They have a fun play area at the Butterfly Biosphere with a really big slide. I wasn't sure Grey would try it, but he's brave and he loved the slide!

As always the time goes by way too fast. My hope is that Grey will always feel how much we love him. Grey has my heart.
5th Birthday Date
Tuesday, October 19, 202

Grey wanted to go to Boondocks but it was closed, what? So his second choice was Provo Beach. He enjoyed it and I loved being with him.

We love this almost seven year old boy so much. I hope Grey has a fantastic year.
It’s hard to believe Grey will be 8 on Saturday. The best 8 years ever, he’s a delightful boy. For some reason he really likes me. I can just feel it when I'm with him. I never see Grey that I don’t get a hug, always more than one! Today was about as perfect as it gets. Grey had his first churro and his first gelato.
He had so much fun at All Star Bowling, then birthday shopping complete with awesome new shoes, and back to play with Grandpa.

1st birthday date
October 17, 2017A Golden Day...
Yesterday I had a birthday date with Grey, it was our first one. He was so excited. I love to see the look of anticipation he gets on his face. He is so darling. I gave him a few choices and he wanted to go to the Museum of Curiosity, as he calls it. When we walked in he looked around and said, "Wow, Wow!" He loved everything, we stayed for several hours, and he was worn out.

Grey planted a nice garden.

Where did that ball go?

Dr. Williams helping the dog feel better.

Grey really liked the stamp, he didn't want to wash it off.

What a perfect Fall day!
Grey loved seeing the fish and feeding them.
He giggled and wanted to feed them some more!

The thought came to me that it was a Golden Day. I'm not sure if that's a real thing or not, but it felt like the perfect description. A day filled with sunshine, joy, and happiness.

Grey likes trains right now, so we got a few new trains and had dinner at Costa Vida. He was fading fast. He took a short nap, then we played, and it was time for a bath. It always seems like the day is over so fast. Happy Birthday sweet Grey, you are so loved!
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Fun day with Grey...
Grey has patiently waited for his turn to go on a birthday date. I really love this tradition. Grey has so much personality, he's a real charmer!
Grey chose to go to the Butterfly Aquarium. He has called the aquarium the "Butterfly Aquarium" since last summer when I took the boys to see the butterfly exhibit. It's a much better name than The Loveland Living Planet Aquarium anyway!

A little orange birthday treat!
I'm so thankful for our precious grandsons and that we can see them often. We ended the night with Grandpa reading some books with Grey. Yes, another perfect day.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Almost 5!
Almost 5!
The birthday dates are one way I can show them how much I love them. I enjoy the one on one time I have with Cash, Colby, Grey, and next year with Grahm!
Grey was so excited for his birthday date, he has had to watch everyone else go on their date before it was his turn. He is so sweet. He has the kindest face, and is just plain adorable. He wanted to go to Boondocks and eat at JCW's.

We ate at Gandolfo's and played at the Fish Park and the Horse Park before it was time to take Grey home.

I love this picture of Grey!

Precious boy and more memories to treasure.
I love you Grey, Happy 5th Birthday!
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Birthday date with Grey...
The past few months I have felt more blessed than I can put into words. Having birthday dates with the boys will always be some of my favorite moments and memories. Having one and one time with them, and making them feel special for their birthday makes me so happy. Grey has waited patiently for his turn. It was a beautiful Fall day on Monday for our birthday date. Spending time with Grey is always delightful. He wanted to eat Chinese and go to the Butterfly Biosphere just like Cash did.

A bite to eat and a little birthday shopping!
Grey is never demanding, he's calm, sweet, smart, and easy going.
Grey was most excited to see the scorpion.
The butterflies like sweet Grey.
5th Birthday Date
Tuesday, October 19, 202
Grey's turn...
Grey always waits patiently for his birthday week. He sees the other boys celebrate their birthdays starting in August and then it's finally his turn.
I know having grandma birthday dates is not an original idea but I'm beyond thankful that I started this tradition. It's something that will remain with me as one of my most cherish memories with my grandsons.
Trying out new toys with Gramps.
Start to finish it was a wonderful day. Grey talked non-stop while we were in the car. He likes know why certain things are the way they are. He will say something like, "Why would someone paint their house pink?" He seems to notice what's going on around him. He is so witty and funny. He makes me laugh often. He was even singing in the car a few times, he's a happy boy.
He has become a very good reader and will read all the signs we pass by. He's also polite and easy to please. I feel like he knows how much I love him, I can see it in the way he looks at me. His sweet smile melts my heart. I never see him that he doesn't give me a big hug. He always hugs before he heads home too.
Happy Birthday Grey Maxwell!
October 15, 2022
6th Birthday Date
Jumbo size Hungry Hippos!

Grey enjoyed his first time at All Star Bowling
and his all star smile says it all!
Salted caramel gelato at Harmon's for the win!