Sunday, November 28, 2021

A few things I'm thankful for...

I wanted to post a few things that happened recently that I'm thankful for.

Elijah gave his mission farewell. I was touched by his message about the Savior and gratitude. He spoke with confidence, he sounded like a return missionary. He's off soon to North Carolina to share the good news of the gospel. We are praying for his success and safety.

We gathered at Terri and Jay's home after. It's always fun to see these brothers and sisters together, it doesn't happen often. I was thankful to be with family.

All for a piece of gum! I'm thankful for this determined fearless boy!

Flying Grandpa and Grandson... I'm thankful Tim has taught Cash to fly RC planes. Cash has become a good pilot and they have a good time together.

I'm grateful Colby and Grey come on Monday for piano lessons. It was Grey's first lesson and he did so good.  

I'm so thankful that my niece Heidi could adopt. She has wanted a child for so long. She was married but was unable to have children. She decided to open her home and heart to be a foster parent. She fell in love with Malia immediately. They made it official a few days ago. If Michigan wasn't so far away, I would have been there. 

Heidi, my brother Marion, and Malia celebrated Thanksgiving together. They look so happy!

I'm so thankful for Colby and his unique style, he's just so cool!

Grahm fills our Grandpa and Grandma hearts will so much gratitude. He's a beautiful boy and we love him.

It's a long story but I was thankful I could talk to my brother Ernie a few weeks ago. We talked for almost and hour and from now on it will be much easier to keep in touch. I love Ern, he's a good brother. 

Ern ~ Eileen ~ Marion