This post is for my nephew Jimmy. He has a special place in my heart and I wish I could see him more often. His life has not always been easy but he works hard, helps others, and is one tough cowboy.
He will often help my brother Lloyd at his ranch, in fact he will go out of way to help his friends and family whenever there is need.
Jimmy has been a volunteer and participant at Cheyenne Frontier Days for many years.
My brothers Lloyd and Kenny, along with several cousins and uncles have participated, and served on the Frontier Days committee also.
Jimmy opened a feed store awhile ago in his hometown of Glenrock, Wyoming. His brother and my nephew Kevin designed the logo for the store. I wish him so much success.

Jimmy and his team won in 2011.

The wild horse started in the 1800's as a competition between ranch teams. From its roots as a race through town with only wagons as fences, the wild horse race evolved into a rodeo event. Wild horses are no longer used but cowboys race ranch-raised horses that have not been broke. There are three cowboys on a team, the mugger, the shanker, and the rider who must ride around the track. The first team who successfully does that wins. I've seen the wild horse race and it's very exiting. Jimmy is the shanker, he hold the lead rope.
He entered this year with a team and before the first race Jimmy asked my brother Lloyd to pin his number on his shirt for good luck.
Jimmy's team came in 2nd place. Frontier Days is the largest outdoor in the nation so it's a pretty big deal and I'm proud of him.