Every week I have moments that fill my heart with gratitude.
There are salads and then there are salads made by Christopher. Never has a Chef Salad tasted so good. Thanks for lunch.I take such great selfies! This was the first day of school and the skies were still filled with smoke. I had a good week, it was a little crazy but each day it got better.
A new look for Gramps?
He just traded glasses with Adrian to see
if it would help with his Canasta game!
Thin Ice game and Colby's dimple
Cash playing the China game with Gramps
Grahm showing me where he got a shot.
"It's all better now"
We were looking at the garden and Colby showed us the way pumpkin vines attach themselves to another plant or a fence. I looked it up and they are called green tendrils, and they look like a spring or a coil. These tendrils help to anchor the vine and protect it from the wind. The tendrils are able to twist in a coil shape to grip onto fences, poles, other plants, or even trees. We all thought that tendrils are very cool!
We were so happy to find four pumpkins,
one for Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm!
Fun at the park
Grandpa's gobble, gobble!
Colby whipped coconut cream for our strawberry shortcake... yum!Another beautiful day for a walk with Chris.
This is my brother Marion who recently moved to Michigan. I'm so happy that he lives near his daughters and grandchildren now. Malia was so excited to go for a spin on Grandpa's cool three wheeler Harley!
My hydrangeas keep on giving.
I'm happy I have a few pictures to remind of last week.