Lucky me, I got to take Colby, Grey, and Grahm to swim lessons two days in a row (Cash was at Art Camp last week so he missed this round of lessons).
Cash's last art project, the Northern Lights! Believe it or not, I've seen the Northern Lights at our ranch in Wyoming. I was in grade school and I remember standing outside with my family and there they were. It was breathtaking just like Cash's painting! Not only is he so talented but incredibly handsome too!
I never learned to swim all that good. Growing up on a ranch there were not many opportunities to go swimming. There were a few times Les and I braved swimming in a nearby pond... gross. We would rather go horseback riding and take the horses to cool off in the pond! Horses are good swimmers.

I'm thankful Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm are learning to be good swimmers. Colby swam the breast stroke the entire width of the pool today, and he had good form. He also practiced diving again. Grey is learning to float on his back without help. And Grahm is fearless. He goes after rings that the instructors throws in the water, and practices kicking his legs while holding on to the edge of the pool. The instructor sang a version of No More Monkeys with the class but adapted it to swimming. Grahm was dancing and jumped in the pool when it was his turn. It melted my heart. The teacher tells them to bob and go underwater. He quickly puts his face in the water, and then he says, "I bobbed."

Swimtastic boys!