Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Happy Birthday Dad!

I went to Dad’s grave to remember him on the eve of his 94th birthday. I never want a year to go by without paying my grateful respects. I miss him, I’ve missed him for 28 years now. Words always fail me when I try to adequately express how blessed I feel to be his daughter. Today I felt that he really is not far away and is always watching over us. I also took some time to listen to a few of the tapes he sent after we moved to Utah. I cherish those little cassette tapes. I learned so much from him… to give others the benefit of the doubt, to be kind, to work hard, to help others, to honor your parents, to pray, to have faith, to be brave, to have fun, and so much more. I know that he loved his family deeply and sacrificed every day so we could have a good life.

The cows hung out with me.

So handsome... 

I love this farming community and the pioneer cemetery where Dad was laid to rest.

See you later Dad.