My nephew Jimmy called me about year ago and told me his only daughter Shaylynn was missing. It's a long story. Shaylynn was living with her mom in Missouri. Shaylynn's mom was not doing well and she needed to get help. She and Jimmy agreed that it would best if Shaylynn stayed with Jimmy in Wyoming for the time being. Jimmy felt things were going well until the morning he discovered Shaylynn was gone. A so called friend had come from Missouri and convinced Shaylynn to come with her. The police and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children began the search to find her. Jimmy called me last Thursday to tell me the police had found Shaylynn. He was sobbing and could barley get the words out. I can't imagine how he was feeling, but I do know he was overjoyed. Jimmy is not ready to share all the details but Shaylynn has been in the same town in Missouri this entire time, somehow going undetected. I have a lot of questions but I need to wait until Jimmy is ready to get answers. Jimmy did tell me the police feel Shaylynn was being held against her will. For now all that really matters is that she is safe.
I took this picture the summer of 2019
I know hundreds of family and friends were praying for Shaylynn's safe return. I feel it was a tender mercy, even a miracle that she was found. I know it wasn't the parting of the Red Sea or Daniel being deliver from the lions, or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego being saved from the fiery furnace, but really I think we were granted a miracle, they happen every day.
“Behold, I will show unto you a God of miracles, … and it is that same God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are” (Mormon 9:11).

A miracle, sweet Shaylynn!