The temple is undergoing a major structural and seismic renovation. President Nelson said, “This project will enhance, refresh, and beautify the temple and its surrounding grounds. Obsolete systems within the building will be replaced. Safety and seismic concerns will be addressed. Accessibility will be enhanced so that members with limited mobility can be better accommodated.”

I’ve been wanting to see the progress at the Salt Lake Temple. I enjoyed walking around Temple Square Tuesday after I went to Dad's grave, you have got to see it to believe it! What a massive project, I can’t wait to see it all finished.
I saw so many sister missionaries walking around Temple Square. I talked to a few of them. They are still having wonderful experiences during the renovation. They seemed so happy to be serving on what they called "sacred ground."
Artist renditions of the Salt Lake Temple after the construction and renovations are completed.
My favorite temple quote:
~ Boyd K. Packer