For about twenty years there has been a battle to add an east/west corridor through Highland. Well good sense finally prevailed and it's now open. It usually takes me about fifteen minutes to get to school and now it takes about 8 minutes. Big deal you might say, yes it is to me! It's a nice road and much needed with all the added traffic around here!
We had a birthday celebration for our school counselor. Mary is a treasure, and at 78 years young is showing no signs of slowing down. I made two Tres Leches cakes and they were a big hit. It was fun to honor Mary for her dedication and wisdom. She has personally given me sound advice many times. She plans to retire when she turns 80! Mary is mentoring Katie and she will be a wonderful replacement in a few years.
Mr. Bingham and Mr. Corless, two of my favorite teachers at Lincoln. Mr. Bingham has had a beard all year. He promised his family he would shave it off when his grandson was born. That happened Thursday so we will see if it's gone on Monday. Mr. Corless will meet his son, Michael Jr. this coming Thursday!
I happen to sub for PE the day of the pickle ball tournament. Rocco and Matai were in the finals. Matai lost and was not a good sport about it, I was disappointed with his reaction but it was still fun to watch. I want to play pickle ball. Four more days of school and no masks!
Staff appreciation this week, lunch from Blue Lemon and beautiful roses from my aide Jeanette. She told me I was a good supervisor and that she loved me.
Yesterday was National Pizza Party Day so we had a party. I wish I would have taken a picture of Cash's epic pizza bites, they were the best yet! I made pizza dough with both white flour and wheat flour that I ground. I decided to try something a little different, so my pizza had spinach, artichokes, tomatoes, and sausage. It was yummy.
Grandpa tells Grahm stories often, so for a change he asked Grahm to tell him a story. He would clear his throat and then add to the story, cutest boy ever!

Colby helped me make ice cream cone cupcakes. He added the frosting all by himself. He's such a fun assistant.
Spring soccer is coming to a close. I have enjoyed watching Cash, Colby, and Grey play. I am so proud of them. They try their best and are good sports. After Grey's game I took Grey and Grahm for a sandwich and some fun at the park before Colby's game. I love the two G's!