I went back to "school" in August of 2013. I hadn't worked outside the home since Christopher was born. I have always been grateful I didn't have to work so I could stay home with my boys. I have to admit I was terrified. I have learned so much and I really feel I have been a good aide. I had one bad year when I was an aide for a math teacher, I just don't remember much of what I learned, especially the more advanced math. I don't even like math! Good thing she gave me a key so I could grade the assignments. Oh well, you can't be good at everything! I sub a lot, I subbed over thirty times this past school year. Even though I don't have a degree, I have filled in very well, and I believe I could have been a teacher . . . and that's enough.
Subbing for PE
Apparently this is something they
did on the TV show "Friends!"

Jill ~ Walker ~ Me ~ Levi
Halle ~ Jeneane ~ Jeanette ~ Mindy
I was an aide for two teachers, Mrs. Jacot and Mrs. Petersen. I love them both. Mrs. Petersen is truly an excellent teacher, second to none! Her passion for teaching and dedication to her students is obvious in everything she does. I felt so fortunate to have been her aide this past year.
Mrs. Petersen and Me
This is Michelle and her husband Steve. Michelle was my aide for about year until she was certified to teach in Utah. She will be teaching 6th grade at Lincoln in the Fall. I'm so happy for her. A few years ago Michelle and her husband had an undeniable prompting to move from Australia to Utah. Michelle and her two sons went ahead and Michelle enrolled her boys at Lone Peak. Steve stayed to finalized details with his business and their home. Well, then COVID happened and the borders were closed in Australia. Finally, almost two years later they were reunited. I cried as I walked into the room and saw them together. Michelle is so sweet, I feel blessed that our paths crossed, and I love their accents! They still have two daughters in Australia, I'm not sure when they will come to Utah.
School's out for the Summer!!