Monday, March 1, 2021

A Pattern in All Things...

Quilts I made from my brother Kenny's shirts

Quilt I made for Colby, he chose the fabric, and I had a pattern to follow.

Doctrine and Covenants 52:14

And again, I will give unto you a pattern in all things, that ye may not be deceived; …

“One day I was admiring a beautiful hand-finished quilt made by a skilled seamstress. As we visited together, I learned that she had made many quilts over the years and was well known for her excellent handiwork. To my query, “Do you ever make one of these quilts without a pattern?” she said, “How would I know how it might turn out if I didn’t have a pattern to follow?”

How can we even guess how our lives will turn out if we don’t choose to follow the right pattern?

What a happy circumstance and strength in our day to have the Lord’s promise, “I will give unto you a pattern in all things, that ye may not be deceived; for Satan is abroad in the land, and he goeth forth deceiving.” (D&C 52:14.) I have always received courage, comfort, and direction from this powerful quotation.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is God’s pattern for righteous living and eternal life. It makes possible goal-setting and lofty priorities. Satan and his advocates will constantly try to deceive and entice us into following their patterns. If we are to achieve daily safety, exaltation, and eternal happiness, we need to live by the light and truth of our Savior’s plan. All salvation revolves around our Savior.”

“We must, if we will have happiness, follow the straight and prescribed paths. “I will give you a pattern in all things” is one of the Lord’s greatest gifts and promises. Today it comes from him and his prophets.

Besides patterns for prayer, we have direction for pondering, procedure, patience, action, and integrity. There are patterns for all worthy things if we will search for them. “And behold, it must be done according to the pattern which I have given unto you.” (D&C 94:2.) There is no other proven way.”

A Pattern in All Things | Marvin J. Ashton
October 1990