Flowers that Lee gave me
Optimism is a ray of light in what might otherwise be a dark world. It is a reflection of the Savior’s pronouncement, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). My grandfather, Elder LeGrand Richards, was a shining light. He always had a smile and positive outlook on life. He used to say: “I just do the best I can and leave the worrying to the Lord.” I loved that saying. It reminded me that the Savior has taken upon Him the heavy lifting. He has left us with a load, but a manageable one.Knowing that the Lord is in charge and that exaltation is literally guaranteed to all who keep His commandments is what makes it possible for us to smile and be of good cheer, day after day, trial after trial. It was this knowledge that prompted the apostle Paul to say: “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11).
Tad R. Callister | ‘Can we be optimistic in turbulent times?’
Tad R. Callister | ‘Can we be optimistic in turbulent times?’
October 2020