Friday, February 5, 2021

A dream come true...

Grandma Day was a little different today, all the boys are sick except Cash. He asked if he could come hang out with me and Grandpa for awhile, we were delighted. Cash is so polite and often helps without being asked. He is smart and fun. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about how much we love him. Our firstborn grandson, a dream come true.

Cash has been participating in engineering classes taught by Mark Rober. He helps participants use engineering and science to bring their creative ideas to life. He also shares how he researches, designs, assembles, and tests his own inventions. Cash has been working on an original build that he designed. Grandpa has been helping him. I'm so proud of Cash. He's creative and pushes through when he gets frustrated. I can't wait to see his finished project.