Sunday, February 28, 2021

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Team Boy. Team Girl.

Four years ago we found out that we would have another grandson in August! What a gift little Grahm is to us. Grandpa and Grahm are quite the pair. They have so much fun together and we just can't get enough of him.

It's a boy!

Grahm Ivan

Thursday, February 25, 2021

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Enjoying the sunshine...

Cash is growing up so fast! How I love this sweet, smart, and handsome grandson. Enjoying the sunshine with Cash...
five years ago.

February 2016

Monday, February 22, 2021

Heaven's help...

Many years ago my brother Marion decided to attend nursing school. This was a surprise to us. He had worked as a brick mason, carpenter, served his country in the Army, and even completed a tour of duty in Viet Nam. He was working one day roofing a building. It started to rain and as he was climbing down off the roof, he fell. It was a metal roof and became slippery in the rain. He landed on his feet, fracturing almost every bone in both feet. He had several surgeries but through a series of miracles he graduated from nursing school in a wheel chair. He never got to actually practice nursing because the recovery was long. He also did not have the ability to be on his feet for a long periods of time. Of course that would be required to be a nurse. He got a job driving truck and made the best of it. I have never heard him complain. He has been single for many years now. I have prayed for a long time he would move to Michigan to be near his daughters. I couldn't bear the thought of him being alone as he gets older. A few days ago we were talking and he told me he has made the decision to move to Michigan this summer. Kim and Heidi are looking for the perfect house for him. I can't tell how happy this makes me. He's excited for this new chapter in his life.

My brother Lloyd had several basal cell carcinomas removed in January. Basal cell carcinoma's are the most common form of skin cancer. This is always worrisome because my Dad and Grandma Federer passed away from melanoma that started as basal cell. Thankfully Lloyd's were benign except for some on his nose. He had extensive surgery to remove the carcinomas on Thursday. It required reconstructive surgery. It was difficult to see the pictures of him. I believe he was also granted a miracle because he's dong so well. He looks and feels better each day. I talked to him and he's not in too much pain, and even did a few chores.

I love my brothers and remember them in my prayers every day. I know sometimes our heartfelt prayers are not answered in the time or way we hoped for. Sometimes we have to "wait upon the Lord" (Psalm 37:9). But I have felt the love of the Lord these past few days. I am grateful that prayers are answered. I testify of the knowledge and miracles that come from communion with our Heavenly Father. I believe there is no need to muddle through life alone. We can have heaven's help.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Friday shenanigans with my favorite Leprechauns...

It's a little early, but we painted a few Spring crafts and made leprechauns. I thought Colbs and Grey's birds turned out so nice. Cash painted an Easter egg wreath, it's very good too. I can't wait to hang it up as soon as it's gets closer to Easter. Grahm wasn't too sure about the leprechauns but they made us smile!

Grey looks so big! 

We are very lucky to have such wonderful grandsons!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Monday, February 15, 2021

I just do the best I can...

Flowers that Lee gave me

Optimism is a ray of light in what might otherwise be a dark world. It is a reflection of the Savior’s pronouncement, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). My grandfather, Elder LeGrand Richards, was a shining light. He always had a smile and positive outlook on life. He used to say: “I just do the best I can and leave the worrying to the Lord.” I loved that saying. It reminded me that the Savior has taken upon Him the heavy lifting. He has left us with a load, but a manageable one.

Knowing that the Lord is in charge and that exaltation is literally guaranteed to all who keep His commandments is what makes it possible for us to smile and be of good cheer, day after day, trial after trial. It was this knowledge that prompted the apostle Paul to say: “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11).

Tad R. Callister | ‘Can we be optimistic in turbulent times?’
October 2020

Sunday, February 14, 2021

A little Valentine party...

We had a little Valentine's Day party with Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm. A scavenger hunt for the big boys and find the heart, decode a message for Grey and Grahm. Cash and Colby hid the hearts. We also made pizza and decorated cupcakes. I made frosting using fresh strawberries and it was yummy. I do love the time we spend together, we are so blessed.

Valentine prizes!

"Is this potion?"


Cash's famous pizza bites! 

Grahm also helped make pizza bites. 

Grahm has a question!

We did an experiment to see of could make the carnations turn a different color and it worked! 

I like to mail cards to the boys, old fashioned but they like it!

Happy Valentines Day