Colby really liked Belle.
We enjoyed a spectacular ride in the mountains near This is the Place Heritage Park. The leaves were changing and the view was amazing. I was so proud of Colby, he overcame his fears and became a confidant cowboy for a day!

After the ride the wrangler let Colby water our horses, Belle and Mulan. He was one happy boy.

We were hungry after the ride and it was no surprise that Colby wanted to go to JCW's. He also got to sleepover and that was lots of fun too.
Colby won this toy in the claw grabber and I saw him tuck it under the blanket after we made his bed.
The next morning we decided since it was such a beautiful Fall morning we would go play at a park. We went to Popsicle Park and tried playing tennis. Grandpa dropped Cash off after they went fishing.
I love Cash and Colby so much. I enjoy spending time with them and will cherish the time I could be with them always.