And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just—yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, …
God’s word is powerful. It can guide us, comfort us, and give us protection. In most circumstances, His words have a more powerful effect than anything else.
I have many favorite scriptures Alma 5:26 | 2 Nephi 18:17 | Proverbs 3:5-6 are just a few of my favorites.
Alma 5:26
And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?
2 Nephi 18:17
And I will wait upon the Lord… and I will look for him.
Several years ago I had made plans to go to Oklahoma. My cousins were having an 80th birthday party for Aunt Bernice. Mark and Tiff bought my plane ticket. I was so excited because I had never been there. Dad put the beautiful stonework on Uncle Dave and Aunt Bernice’s home, and I wanted to see that too. My brother Lloyd and Aunt Kay would be at the party, along with many other cousins. I flew to Denver and waited for the connecting flight, then an announcement came that it was delayed because there were tornadoes in the area near the Oklahoma airport. I wasn’t too worried. Well, I waited at the airport until almost 9:00 that night. The flight was cancelled because there was damage at the airport, so I flew back to Salt Lake City. I was so sad; I had waited patiently and was disappointed. I know the situation turned out for the best. I’m sure there was a chance that I could have made to Oklahoma and been in the middle of the tornado at the airport. I was protected. We look to the Lord in small things and find Him there, and He doesn’t forget us in the big things… we just have to wait. Waiting is hard. Wait upon the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Psalm 27:14… one of my favorite scriptures in Psalm.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband has called verses like these “protection scriptures.” We should all have a protection scripture that we can cling to during hard times, and to remind us to give thanks, and rejoice in good times (Jesus Christ is the Answer, An Evening with a General Authority | February 2019).