Monday, August 10, 2020

Prayers of a parent...

Chapter 27 of Mosiah is one of my favorites.

Mosiah 27:14
And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come... 

Alma the Younger is going about rebelling and an angel appears and asks Alma, Why persecutest the church of God? (Mosiah 27:23). Before Alma has a chance to answer, the angel tells Alma the reason he has come: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of this people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father (Mosiah 27:14). The angel came because of the prayers of Alma’s father, and I’m sure his mother was also praying, and all the people in his community as well. Sometimes I feel my prayers go unanswered, but I know there is power in prayer. I like this story about a young boy who was struggling in high school. Things were so bad he moved away from home and into his grandparents’ home for the summer. At the end of summer, a decision had to be made. Should he stay with his grandparents or move back home and struggle against the friends who had pulled him down? His mom wanted him to stay; he wanted to come home. One afternoon his mom called to talk about the decision. She had prayed mightily for her son, she prayed his heart would soften, and that he would know what to do. During the call, the boy came to his own conclusion, that it would be best for him to stay with his grandparents. The mother was amazed at how quickly his answer came. She told him about her prayer before the conversation began, how she prayed that, if necessary, an angel would come. Mom, the boy said, “you were that angel.” I know there is great power in the prayer of a parent. I have prayed mightily for my sons and grandsons. I pray that whatever struggles they have; they will pray in faith for answers. I hope they can feel the love that Tim and I have for them, and for our daughter-in-law. I hope they can feel the power in the prayers we offer each day for them. I hope unseen angels are near.