Friday, June 19, 2020

Sleepover Take II...

It was Colby and Grahm's turn for a sleepover. They are the sweetest boys and I cherish spending time with them. Colby is so loving and sweet with Grahm. He is protective, a good example, and gives him lots of hugs and kisses! Grahm says the cutest things and is so smart. He told me that Dad puts him to bed to keep him safe. He said they read one book but he wants to read lots of books. 

Grandpa and Grahm were playing the game where Grahm pretends he's a dog. It was time for a bath but he didn't want to so Grandpa said, the dog is dirty and needs the bath. He went happily after that. As soon as I got him out of the tub, he said, "Grandpa your dog is all clean now." We laugh and have a good time. 

New baseball gloves! 

Colby has shown an interest in playing the piano so I gave him a lesson. He's very teachable and did great.

We listened to a few songs and talked for a bit before it was time to go to sleep. We had prayer, gave hugs and kisses then it was quiet for several minutes so I thought Colby and Grahm were asleep. Grahm sat up and said, I need my pouf. He wanted it right by on the bed and laid his hand on it!

Colby and Grahm slept good, 
I didn't here one peep until about 6:30.

I told you Colby was sweet with Grahm!

Grahm makes sure he eats all the ripe raspberries! 

 Still best friends!

It was a beautiful day so we walked around the Alpine Arts grounds. Grahm was fascinated with the animals.

We also went to the Alpine Park, the views are incredible. Grahm said the spinner toy was the mixer-mix! 

We stopped for a snow cone and the firetruck pulled up. The firemen were so cute with Colby and Grahm, they let them walk around the cool truck.

You can tell I didn't want the day to end! We got some lunch and went to the Cedar Hills park. We laughed and took a lot of silly selfies! 

They are just so wonderful! 
Hurry back, I love you Colbs and Grahmy.