Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Thank you parade...

It was a beautiful morning for a parade. The parent council organized a drive by parade to thank the teachers and staff at my school There were signs, balloons, students throwing candy, and heartfelt appreciate from the students and parents.

Mr. Proetel waving his German and American flag. He's from Germany but has lived in America for a long time. Ms. Eads smiling, it was her first year teaching and she's awesome.

Mr. Bingham and Caden, and Mr. Arteta in the background. 

Mr. Carpenter is retiring this year. He's an old school teacher and one the best. We will miss him. Ms. Bennett teaches music and is so good at what she does.

Michelle, Jeanette, Jeneane, Mallory, Keiko, 
Me, Claire, principal Mr. Hunt and Mindy
2020 Dream Team

They have made my job as supervisor a piece of cake! I love them all. They have given countless hours during the COVID-19 closure to help the teachers and students. 

I'm in the yearbook next to my cousin Curtis.

We will see if we are back to school in the Fall, I hope so.